Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Auto-Complete for Combo Boxes in C#

This is a very simple auto complete logic which is used commonly and I have moved the logic to a Util Class so that the same logic can be applied to all Combo Boxes in the form.

Add the following class to your C# project

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;

namespace Utils
class Util
public static void comboBox_KeyPress(ComboBox ctrl,
IDictionary<String,Boolean> acf,
object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == (int)Keys.Escape)
ctrl.SelectedIndex = -1;
ctrl.Text = "";
acf[ctrl.Name] = true;
else if (Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar))
acf[ctrl.Name] = true;
acf[ctrl.Name] = false;


public static void comboBox_TextChanged(
ComboBox ctrl,
IDictionary<String,Boolean> acf,
object sender, EventArgs e)
if ( ctrl.Text != "" &&
( ! acf.ContainsKey(ctrl.Name) ||
! acf[ctrl.Name]))
string matchText = ctrl.Text;
int match = ctrl.FindString(matchText);
if (match != -1)
ctrl.SelectedIndex = match;
ctrl.SelectionStart = matchText.Length;
ctrl.SelectionLength = ctrl.Text.Length-


Make sure you have the following import statements inside your form code

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Utils;

Then, at the top of your Form Class , add the following declaration..

IDictionary<String, Boolean> acf = new Dictionary<String, Boolean>();

Then for each combo Box for which you want to have auto complete feature,
add event handlers for the KeyPress & TextChanged events

Just paste the following two lines into the KeyPress event handler

Util.comboBox_KeyPress(comboBoxCtrlName, acf, sender, e);

Just paste the following two lines into the TextChanged event handler

Util.comboBox_TextChanged(comboBoxCtrlName, acf, sender, e);

Remember to replace the comboBoxCtrlName with the name of the Combo Box

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